Contact us at cjhshelp@ccs135.com
Contact us at jordanhelp@ccs135.com
Contact us at schillerhelp@ccs135.com
Sack Meal – Drop Off Points (ending May 28, 2020)
(text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877 to find your three closest summer meal sites)
Tech Questions? Contact us at techhelp@ccs135.com
Parents that may have questions on how to help their child academically, socially, emotionally to reach out to motivationalhelp@ccs135.com
Parenting in the time of COVID-19
To help parents interact constructively with their children during this time of confinement, these six one-page tips for parents cover planning one-on-one time, staying positive, creating a daily routine, avoiding bad behaviour, managing stress, and talking about COVID-19. Use them to your and your kids’ advantage, and have fun in doing so.