In compliance with the Stevens’ amendment, Centralia city schools submits the following disclosure for the 2011-2012 school year grant cycle. No child left behind federal grants: I and II A.
Centralia City Schools District # 135 has been approved by the Illinois State Board of Education for the following grant money: Title I -$566,614.00, Title II A-$130,607.00
Title I: Money received from Title I will be used for continuing services of 4.5 full time equivalent reading teachers in the four Title I schools which include: Field Kindergarten Center, Schiller School, Jordan School, and Lincoln School. Pro-rated salaries of the Title I Director, Title I Secretary, Fiscal Agent, and Purchasing Agent are also paid from Title I to service the Title I buildings respectively. A Title I paraprofessional at Schiller is also provided for in Title I.
Title I expenditures also incorporate professional development to raise reading and math scores including staff training in: RtI, Houghton Mifflin, Saxon Math, DRA, Why Try, Common Core, anti-bullying programs, training on Heggerty, Six-Minute Solutions, Read Naturally, etc., and curriculum alignment and articulation. Attendance at the No Child Left Behind Conference and other staff development pertinent to fulfilling the goals set forth in the Title I grant and school and district improvement plans are also approved. Supplies for the improvement of instruction and classroom supplies are purchased from Title I funds to meet the requirements of building school improvement plans and needs surveys. These include: leveled readers, Developmental Reading Assessment materials, Record-it Audio books, RtI supplemental reading and math materials, and other supplemental materials. Purchased licensing contracts for instruction include software licenses for ABC Study Island, Tumble Books and other instructional technology to enhance the instructional process. A portion of the grant is set aside for parental involvement which includes materials to afford parents direction in assisting their children in school, homework help materials, websites for parents, and parent nights for guiding parents in helping students in their academic endeavors. I pads will be purchased for use at the kindergarten center. Finally, two parochial schools: St. Mary’s Catholic School and Trinity Lutheran School also receive money appropriated through grant formulas based on their enrollment of district students.
Title II A—Money from Title II A will be used to continue financing 1.88 FTE class size reduction teachers at Field Kindergarten Center, professional development for all schools in the district, administration of the grant, and funds allocated for professional development at the two parochial schools
Grants are public records and available at the Administration Building for viewing. According to compliance with the Stevens’ Amendment the above information has been released to the press and posted on the district website at